Tuesday, November 26, 2013

did you think I was lost?

Well it's been awhile since I posted. Sorry about that - I got a bit lost there. I just wasn't feeling real great about myself and didn't really have anything to share. I've also been focusing all my extra energy on knitting and writing for Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). My novel is almost done, so hopefully I'll have more to write about here soon.

I'm trying to give mostly handmade gifts this year. I'm doing a lot of knitting so almost every free moment these days, I'm knitting or writing. The kids are being incredibly supportive as is my beloved.

I just returned from an OA retreat this weekend. What an uplifting experience. I was recharged spiritually. I rediscovered the joy of my Higher Power - the goddess Morrigan made herself know to me in a very real way and I reconnected with my spirit guides as well. I'm feeling very blessed and I'm planning on scheduling more time for my spiritual work from now on.

I've also become more committed to my abstinence. From now on I'm back to 3 meals a day no in between snacks and no sugar. I will no longer poison my body with the sugar that just makes my life more miserable. Will it be easy? No, but I have confidence in my goddess that she will help me through and support me and love me as I strive to develop a healthier relationship with food.

That's about all that's going on with me right now. I'll try to write more often. Hopefully I'll have more to say as my journey continues and my novel is done.

Blessings to all who read this.

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