Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Who Am I?

From For Today published by Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
"There is no ache more
Deadly than the striving
to be oneself."
Yevgeniy Vinokurov

This is an important part of self recovery - getting to know oneself. The basis of who I am is that I'm a person of light and love, but my every evolving self is important to get to know and make friends with too. That is one of the goals of the 12 steps - to get to know the God of My Understanding and to get to know myself. 

I think one of the basics of who I am is that I'm a seeker of spiritual truth. I've found it many different places and in very different ways. There is a lot of truth in my spiritual path and I feel unbelievably blessed. I think this is just one component of who I am.

I'm a complex person as I believe all of us are, so trying to sum up the answer to this question in a blog post seems a daunting task. Add to that the every changing nature of personality and you see my conundrum.

I think the search for oneself is in and of itself knowledge of oneself - does that make sense? I think just looking for who am I is enough. As I work the steps, I'm bound to change and evolve into someone closer to my true self and that is all I can really ask for.

Getting to know my Higher Power is part of the process. If we are indeed created in His/Her image than we are a reflection of that Power greater than ourselves and can see bits of ourselves in that relationship.

I think this is a lifelong process and certainly can not be summed up perfectly in one simple blog post, so with that I will leave you with blessings for you journeys of self discovery.

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